Dry start method (DSM) is the process of growing plants emersed (out of the water) until the aquarium is established. This method eliminates or at least reduces the likelihood of issues that arise when first setting up a planted aquarium. There will be no algae, CO2 deficiencies, or water changes in this stage. Plants will have a well developed root system by the time the aquarium is ready to be flooded.

Most aquarium plants can be grown using the DSM however it is widely used for small foreground plants such has Hemianthus callitrichoides (HC), Glossostigma elatinoides and hairgrass. It is much easier to establish a carpet in an emergent setting.

Things used in this guide

  • Aquarium tank
  • Aquasoil, in this demonstration we will be using Azoo Plant Grower Bed
  • Tweezers
  • Sand scraper
  • Hemianthus callitrochoides
  • Cling wrap

Step 1

Fill the aquarium with aquasoil. The amount of soil depends on your preference and layout. Make sure that there is enough soil or else the plants will not root properly. A minimum of 5cm thick layer of aquasoil is what I typically use.

Step 2

Smooth out the soil using a sand scraper (or your hands). At this stage you can add hardscape materials such as driftwood and rocks.

Step 3

Have a spray bottle, plants, and a good set of tweezers ready

Step 4

Spray generously to dampen the soil but not too much to flood the soil.

Step 5

Separate the plants into little clumps. Remember to remove all traces of the rockwool.

Step 6

Using tweezers begin to plant. With HC all you need to do is place it on top of the substrate and push it down a little bit. The plant will grab onto the soil by itself. The distance between each clump depends on how much plants you have. A good guide is to have enough to plant in intervals of 2-3cms. The more you use the quicker it will cover the substrate.

Step 7

Once you finish planting, spray more water to saturate the soil. But be sure to keep the leaves above the water. Cover the top with cling wrap or a lid.

Step 8

Have lights on for 12-14 hours a day. Take the cling wrap off or open the lid once a day for 15 minutes. This will allow the plants access to fresh air and CO2. It is healthy for the plants and reduces the likelihood of mold/fungus growing. Spray water to keep the plants moist. 

You should see noticeable growth in a few weeks. Below is what it looks like right after planting. Lets see how it looks in a few weeks time!

Here is a very nice scape created by fellow aquarist Michael Zhang. Simple yet captivating, an impression of the natural world. It only took him 2 months to achieve the lawn of HC using the Dry Start Method.